Who is Bernie?
Hello, I'm David Bernhardt, but most folks call me Bernie.
I appreciate your curiosity and like you, I too would want to know a little something about the person I am considering collaborating with!
I am a Master Certified Life Coach and an ACC member of the International Life Coaching Institute who helps people align their core values and purpose to improve their life choices, career performance and overall well-being. I help people build their confidence so they can bring their best selves forward.
I like to keep things pretty casual, but I take everything seriously. I bring energy and a positive approach to every aspect of my life. I have ridden the same rides most folks do at the fairgrounds of life. I have experienced the highs and lows of my personal life's rollercoaster. I've hit my face hard on the mirrors a couple of times and felt lost, confused and embarrassed while trying to navigate the career funhouse. I have become nauseous and disoriented on the life/work integration tea-cups. Through it all, I have always put my energy toward being present, aware, and forward focused while learning from my mistakes and life's challenges as I've navigated my journey.

I have worked in leadership roles in Corporate America for 20+ years across various industries in Fortune 100 companies. The majority of that time I have been focused on developing individual talent and global teams. My strengths and successes have all been derived from helping individuals identify and overcome blockers in their professional and personal lives. This, in turn, has led them to successful gains in their careers and lives.
All of this is what led me to Life Coaching.
Coaching allows me to have a greater impact by collaborating one-on-one with motivated individuals that are seeking real, sustainable change in their lives. I focus on the areas of career empowerment, discovering purpose and overall well-being because I have decades of experience not only working with individuals throughout my career, but also working on myself.
In all three areas a common theme for individuals comes down to one word: motivation. I have heard every variation I can think of regarding a lack of motivation: being stuck, in a rut, tired and frustrated, would rather be doing something else, it's boring, doesn't captivate me, brings me no personal value, not my passion... to name just a few. I have not only heard these phrases, I have spoken them myself at various times in my life. Here is what I have have learned: You need to take action and own it! It sounds so easy, but motivation and taking action can be incredibly daunting. The struggle is real.
The bottom line is, I love helping people uncover their truth. I love being an accountability partner and I love watching people succeed! Whether it is rediscovering or redefining themselves, I love the journey and assisting others. I hope we can work together and that I can help you discover and tap into the motivation YOU need to be the best version of yourself!