Identify your passion and purpose
Are you living your life with purpose? Are you living your life on purpose?
Last time you took inventory of your life (where you are and where you are headed) did it feel aligned with your values? Did it make sense? Did you feel happy and in control of your choices?
When you know your purpose and understand your core values, you will live a more meaningful life. This, in return, has an impact on your overall well-being. Over the past two decades, studies have shown that living with a strong sense of purpose is positively associated with cognitive functioning, pain management, protection against heart disease and prevention of Alzheimer's disease just to name a few (check out my resources page for more info!) this point we should pause for Bernie's Life Purpose Disclaimer:
(Spoken in a deep, fast voice)
"Please be advised that side effects of living a life with purpose can include enhanced clarity and focus, stress management and reduced anxiety, the potential for living with integrity, building stronger relationships built on core values and trust, enjoying a sense of gratification from your efforts, and an overall increase of joy and satisfaction along your life's journey."
Seems pretty reasonable, right? Let's look at it from the opposite view. When you don't know what you want to do in life, and you don't have a grasp on any real core values, making decisions becomes harder. It's easy to get bogged down with your feelings as you try understand your 'why'. You lose your sense of value and tend to fixate on short term goals that typically are the result of a reaction to something beyond your control. You can easily get stuck in victim or survivor mode and never move to thriver mode where you are owning and proactively working for your own best interests. Ultimately it's far too easy to become confused, frustrated and lost.
But here's the beauty of life's journey... you can choose a different path. There is not one fixed point in life's journey that is the be-all-end-all point where we pronounce that we are fulfilled. If that were true, most of us would have hiked up that mountain first, gotten to the top, beat our chests and shouted out "I AM FULFILLED!!!" (Then after standing there for a bit, we most likely would have started back down the mountain thinking to ourselves, "Well... now what do I do?")
Life is more complex than that. In our lives we have hundreds of experiences, opportunities and "callings" that make us feel alive and fulfilled, but we sometimes lose site of the path. Working with Bernie facilitates a process that allows for personal and professional exploration into your core values to help you get back on the path to finding your purpose. He will help unlock and identify what aligns with your values. Together you will be able to find out what you need to lay out a plan of action to rediscover what captivates you and makes you feel alive.
If you are motivated to make positive change to align your
passions and purpose with your everyday journey then let's talk!