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enhance your wellbeing

Hiking Trail

Everyone has a unique equation for their wellness, a vision of what they want it to look like and an idea of how how they want to feel. What's your equation for wellness?


For many people, the equation for wellness 

can seem confusing:

We think we know what all the variables are to achieve wellness, but in fact, the variables aren't identified and the equation is not simple enough to move forward. As a result, our plans derail or we stagnate trying to figure out the math. 

Are you with me yet?

Check it out!

When we rework and simplify the

above wellness equation,

it looks like this:


Easier - right?

Now, let's define the three variables (A,B and C).  


A=Fitness, B=Nutrition and C=Mindset.


With these three variables multiplied by 'You', the solution is Wellness!


Wellness = increased confidence, reduced stress and enhanced overall wellbeing.


The math seems pretty simple now, right? Yet, we all struggle with simplifying our personal wellness equations and many times with identifying one, two or all three variables. Many of us struggle to solve for wellness on our own.


Here's a hint...the challenge is in the multiplication. In order to multiply you with the three variables, it requires commitment, discipline and repetitive practice of the application. That's where Bernie can help! 

Let's get your variables identified and your wellness equation simplified and in the proper order! 


Whether you are getting started, starting again or trying to get off the plateau, it's time to figure out YOUR wellness equation so you can feel good about yourself, feel strong both physically and mentally, and be in control of your choices!


Bernie partners with clients to help them solve their personal wellness equations and to make sustainable changes that lead to healthy habits. Together, with Bernie, you will identify your strengths and resources, and set reasonable goals that you can build upon to solve your own equation for wellness.

If you are motivated to make positive change to

solve your wellness equation than let's talk!

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