empower your career
Career Empowerment is the feeling of having autonomy over your work and your career.
It is the feeling of being in control, that you can take action to represent your interests, and have power over your work and career decision-making in an independent, self-directed and self-determined way. It puts you in the driver's seat of your growth process to become a stronger and more confident asset for (Insert Your Name Here) Incorporated.
(Insert Your Name Here) INC. or as Bernie likes to call it "You" Incorporated, is the most important corporation you will ever work for. You are the CEO and when the stocks are down and shareholders are upset, what do you do? Typically, its easy to become reactive about your work choices, but the best CEOs are the ones who take inventory of how things are going along the way. They don't wait until something is wrong or they are frustrated. They anticipate, strategize and contemplate their next career move to keep the stock prices rising and keep the shareholders happy. They're proactive about their choices.
We live and work in an age where the average person not only changes jobs every 3-5 years, but most workers also have 5 or more careers in their work life! Along our work path we may find ourselves in one of many work phases like: just starting out, reentering the workforce, changing careers, going out on our own and starting a business – and if we play our cards right, someday we catch up to retirement and do whatever we want, when we want.
No matter what work phase you are in, is it leading you in the direction you want to be headed? Does it provide you the autonomy and fulfillment you are looking for? Or are you having trouble getting out of bed on work days? Are you tired and frustrated with the path your career is on?
Bernie helps you identify your passions, your skills, your interests and your vision for life/work integration and helps you work within your strengths to proactively manage your career. You will work together to blend who you are with what you do to bring a whole new level of job and life satisfaction. No matter what work phase you are in, Bernie will assist you in understanding your wants and needs, identifying what growth means to you, where you want to be, and how you will prioritize what is most important.
If you are passionate about a particular path for your career
but struggling to build the skills, confidence or momentum
to drive that passion forward let's talk!